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Inflation can have a significant impact on our finances in a number of ways. But what exactly does it mean? And what impact could it have on our savings and investments? It’s important to understand how inflation works, as well as the effects it has...

You have worked hard to build your wealth. Passing it on to the next generation fairly, safely, effectively and efficiently takes skill and careful preparation. But some people find the idea of discussing inheritance uncomfortable and subsequently put off estate planning until, in some instances,...

Exactly how much you’ll need for a comfortable retirement will depend largely on your cost of living and lifestyle choices. For many people, retirement is about sun-soaked holidays, leisurely rounds of golf and that boat they’ve always coveted....

It might seem like a far off prospect but knowing how you can access your pension pot can help you understand how best to build for the future you want when you retire....

If you struggle to navigate the UK’s Inheritance Tax regime, you are not alone. Whether you are setting up your estate planning or sorting out the estate of a departed family member, the system can be hard to follow. Getting your planning wrong could also...

Most over-45s are not making plans to match their hopes for the future, according to research from Standard Life[1]. The vast majority (86%) of those aged 45 or over are already dreaming about escaping their working life for retirement, but only 8% of the same...

We’ve now entered a new age of retirement planning with the introduction of pension freedoms. Your retirement is likely to be the most important time in your life you’ll even plan for – you could be retired for 20 years or more....

Despite efforts by the Government to tackle the savings gap through auto-enrolment and raising the pensions age, challenges still exist. People are living longer, many would rather spend today rather than save for tomorrow, and few know how much they actually have tucked away. Separately,...

Experts are widely predicting that The Bank of England Base Rate will rise on 2nd November 2017 for the first time in many years. Many of us will see our mortgage repayments rise as a result of this, especially if you are currently based on your...